• General
  • Technical information
  • Authorization
  • Request to revoke an access token
  • Payment processing
  • Payment processing
  • Inline tokenization of cards
  • 3DSecure authorization
  • Directories
  • Appendix A
  • Appendix B
  • General

    This is an old version of the API. Switch to the new API version.

    The Paymaster Direct protocol is designed for Companies (Sellers) charging funds from payers without their additional confirmation of each transaction (direct payments, Direct Debit). The following may serve as examples thereof: a subscription to news content, renewals of domain or hosting services, one-click purchases in games, and other environments where it is not desirable to exit the process, mobile applications, and so on.

    Obviously, the Seller cannot carry out a direct debit without the payer's permission in the selected payment system. This permission (long-term acceptance, long-term payment order) represents their right to spend a specified amount within a specified period of time without payment authorization procedures (one-time acceptance). After they have obtained permission and as long as it is valid, funds can be charged at the level of inter-server communication (without the payer's participation).

    The Seller should initiate the process of obtaining special permissions for this from the payment system that the paying client wishes to use. The Seller directs the payer to the Paymaster website; the payer interacts with the selected payment system, arranges the permissions (acceptance), and informs the Seller about the transaction status. After the transaction has been completed successfully, the Seller gets access to the direct debiting of the payer's funds.

    Interaction scheme


    Technical information

    Data transmission

    All requests should be directed to using the client verification key.

    The Seller can use one of two communication protocols:

    The protocol type should be transmitted in the HTTP header type of each request (or in the get or post parameter). If there is no value, JWS is used by default. If the resp-type HTTP header (or in the get or post parameter) transmits the "xml" value, the response will be in XML format. If there is no value, the response will be in the JWS format. The signature data and signature transfer method are defined for each protocol.

    Signature types

    The Seller can use 2 types of request signatures:

    Payloads (data)

    The header of all requests should contain the mandatory field iat (meaning "initiated at") with an integer value in seconds (UTC 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z). In each request, this field should contain the actual time when the request was sent. Service can use the iat field to prevent the risk of a repeated payment by comparing the time entered in this field and the specified time interval with the actual time interval.


    The request content will take a form of messages in the format of JSON Web Signature (JWS). Signed request body: "HeaderEncoded.BodyEncoded" (the separator is a decimal point ".") - all parameters except the sign. HeaderEncoded is the UrlSafeBase64Encoding encoded message header, BodyEncoded is the UrlSafeBase64Encoding encoded request body. The signature is written with a decimal point (.) after Body ("HeaderEncoded.BodyEncoded.SignEncoded") and encoded with UrlSafeBase64Encoding.

    The header should contain the standard alg field and should be coercible to RS256 ("alg":"RS256"). For PayMaster's convenience in implementing this specification, HTTPS is used in the "request" parameter to transfer the request data.


    Signature generation for the REST request

    var encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    var iat = GetUnixtime();
    var payload = string.Empty
        + "access_token=" + accessToken
        + "&type=rest"
        + "&merchant_id=" + merchantId
        + "&merchant_transaction_id=" + transactionId
        + "&currency=" + currencyCode
        + "&amount=" + chargeAmount;
    var dataToSign = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", payload, iat, secretKey);
    var bytesToSign = encoding.GetBytes(dataToSign);
    string signBase64Encoded;
    using (var sha256 = SHA256.Create())
        var sign = sha256.ComputeHash(bytesToSign);
        signBase64Encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(sign);
    var result = SendRequest("/payment/init", payload, iat, signBase64Encoded);

    Signed request body:

    In the case of the Get request, this is "QueryString;iat", where: QueryString is the parameter string after the question mark in Url; iat is the "initiated at" field. In the case of the Post request, this is "Body;iat;secret key", where: Body is the request body; iat is the "initiated at" field; secret key is assigned by the Seller in their personal account ("Direct Signature Settings").

    Requests are formed and sent with Get or Post (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) parameters. The signature is transmitted in the "sign" header or in the request parameters and encoded with Base64Encoding. Note for PHP developers: if $str is the parameter string, the hash is calculated as follows base64_encode(hash('sha256', $string, true)). URLs: for all types of requests listed below, PayMaster assigns a unique URL and passes it to the Seller. URLs for different types of requests do not need to be on the same host.


    Authorization is implemented with the OAuth 2.0 Authorization protocol. Authorization occurs as follows:

    1. The Seller directs a user to the PayMaster Direct website. The user will be prompted to login if he/she is not yet authorized or has not permitted the Seller to use his/her Web wallet.
    2. After authorization, the user is redirected to redirect_uri, specified by the Seller when redirecting the user, with the addition of a temporary token.
    3. In PayMaster, the Seller generates a token request with a temporary token in order to get a permanent token.

    Authorization Request

    POST /direct/security/auth

    The authorization request is defined by the OAuth protocol.

    Request Parameters

    This is defined by the OAuth protocol. Authorization request should be sent to /direct/security/auth. This URL will be used by the customers to authorize access to their account in the payment system by merchant. The processor for this URL accepts HTTP POST parameters. Following parameters should always be provided: !!!!URLS

    ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
    response_typeStringYesConstant. Should always be set to "code"
    client_idStringYesID of the Merchant's site account. ID could be obtained from sites list in the merchant account
    redirect_uriStringYesThe URL where the redirect response should send the customer when they successfully complete the authorization process
    scopeStringYesThe permission scope being requested. For testing
    limitsDictionaryNoDaily, weekly, and monthly limit for charging the user's funds (0 - no limit). Example: JSON: {....,limits:[{RUB:";;"}],...}ΒΈ POST: limits[RUB]=;;
    emailStringNoUser's email address
    phoneString (\d{11,15})NoUser's mobile phone number
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Redirection example:

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found

    Reply parameters

    The reaction to successful completion of the authorization process is the user's redirection to the provided redirect_uri with the following parameters:

    codeStringYesThe temporary authorization token that will be exchanged for the permanent token. This token should expire in a period of time no greater than 10 minutes after the originating request.

    POST /direct/security/token

    The request is determined by the OAuth protocol. The Seller transmits the request to PayMaster to exchange the temporary token from the initial request to a permanent token to be used for future payments.

    Request to get an access token

    Request header:

      "iat": 1347447988,
      "alg": "RS256"

    Request data:

      "client_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
      "code": "Pbl8KuP8vg",
      "grant_type": "authorization_code",
      "redirect_uri": ""


      "access_token": "thN250MQ5scFlaa-1Kc61PP8gpAusuHgpJKoflAzF5g",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "expires_in": 31535999,
      "account_identifier": "WebMoney Purse R111111111111"

    POST /direct/security/token

    The request is determined by the OAuth protocol. The Seller transmits the request to PayMaster to exchange the temporary token from the initial request to a permanent token to be used for future payments.

    Request parameters

    client_idStringYesSeller ID in PayMaster
    codeStringYesA temporary token assigned when authorization is requested
    grant_typeStringYesConstant. Should always be set to "authorization_code"
    redirect_uriStringYesShould always be equal to redirect_uri, as specified in the authorization request
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Reply parameters

    access_tokenStringOnly in the case of successA permanent token to be used in subsequent requests
    token_typeStringOnly in the case of successConstant. Should always have the "bearer" value
    expires_inNumberOnly in the case of successNumber of seconds before the token expires
    account_identifierStringOnly in the case of successClient ID in the payment system. The parameter will be displayed to the user in order to differentiate various accounts in the same system
    errorStringOnly in case of failureThe reason why the access token request failed. Valid values: "invalid_request", "invalid_client", "invalid_grant", "unauthorized_client", "unsupported_grant_type" and "invalid_scope"

    Request to revoke an access token

    Request header:

      "iat": 1384949320,
      "alg": "RS256"

    Request data:

      "client_id": "1",
      "access_token": "7J-YBO_7cI9A5lb1U2PgLwoDyZxnTJhkM2o5XWIpjjE"


        "status": "complete"

    POST /direct/security/revoke

    To cancel the existing trust, the Seller transmits the request to PayMaster at the buyer's request. Once the request is completed, the access token will be revoked.

    Request parameters

    client_idStringYesSeller ID in PayMaster
    access_tokenStringYesPermanent access token
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Reply parameters

    statusStringYesRequest result. Valid values are "complete", "in_progress", and "failure"
    error_codeStringOnly in case of failureCause of the error. See Error codes
    errorStringOnly in case of failureA free form description of the error that caused the request cancellation. This is used for fixing problems and is not visible to the user

    Payment processing

    Payment initiation

    Request header:

      "alg": "RS256",
      "iat": 1347448234

    Request data:

      "access_token": "thN250MQ5scFlaa-1Kc61PP8gpAusuHgpJKoflAzF5g",
      "merchant_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
      "merchant_transaction_id": "da47e4ee-ef12-469e-a9f0-1fa0d4a4365c",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "RUB"


        "status": "success",
        "processor_transaction_id": "36"

    POST /direct/payment/init

    To initiate a payment, the Seller transmits the request to PayMaster. A successfully completed request does not guarantee that the funds will be transferred to the Seller. It merely indicates that the user is in the payment system and is ready to pay the full amount at the time when the request is sent. If the request failed for any reason, the user will see an error message and will not be able to repeat the current payment.

    Request Parameters

    access_tokenStringYesA permanent access token previously provided to the Seller
    merchant_idStringYesSeller ID in the PayMaster system. The same as "client_id" used to get access_token
    merchant_transaction_idStringYesTransaction ID generated in the Seller's system. Should be used to prevent a payment reminder in case the payment is overdue or if processor_transaction_id was not returned
    amountNumberYesAmount to be paid by the Client
    currencyStringYes3-letter currency code (ISO). Should always be RUB
    descriptionStringExtraPurchase description (no more than 255 characters)
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Reply parameters

    statusStringYesRequest result. Valid values are "success" and "failure"
    processor_transaction_idStringOnly in the case of successTransaction ID in the payment system
    error_codeStringOnly in case of failureCause of the error. See Error codes
    errorStringOnly in case of failureA free form description of the error that caused the request cancellation. This is used for fixing problems and is not visible to the user

    Payment processing

    Request header:

        "alg": "RS256",
        "iat": 1347448499

    Request data:

      "access_token": "thN250MQ5scFlaa-1Kc61PP8gpAusuHgpJKoflAzF5g",
      "merchant_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
      "merchant_transaction_id": "da47e4ee-EF12-469e-a9f0-1fa0d4a4365c",
      "processor_transaction_id": "36"


      "status": "complete"

    POST /direct/payment/complete

    The request is required in order to complete the payment that was initiated by the payment initiation request. If the request is successful, the funds are considered to have been transferred from the client to the Seller. If the request fails for any reason and is marked as repeated, the user will be notified of the incomplete payment and he/she cannot repeat the current payment. If the request is returned with the in_progress status without the return code 200 or payment timeout, the request should be repeated later (the recommended time to resend the request is 15 seconds). The Seller should be able to process this request using only the merchant_transaction_id parameter to identify the transaction.

    The processor_transaction_id parameter is used only for the executor's convenience. A payment processing request that is in its final state (processed or declined) should return the last result of the payment processing request. Requests that haven't reached "processed" or "declined" state within 120 hours from the start of the payment are regarded as cancelled and get the "declined" state.

    Request Parameters

    access_tokenStringYesA permanent access token previously provided to the Seller
    merchant_idStringYesSeller ID in the PayMaster system. The same as the "client_id" that is used to get access_token
    merchant_transaction_idStringYesTransaction ID generated in the Seller's system
    processor_transaction_idStringNoTransaction ID in the payment system. It will be activated when the response to the payment initiation returns this value and the invoice is valid
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Reply parameters

    statusStringYesRequest result. Valid values are "complete", "in_progress", and "failure"
    error_codeStringOnly in case of failureCause of the error. See Error codes
    errorStringOnly in case of failureA free form description of the error that caused the request cancellation. This is used for fixing problems and is not visible to the user

    Inline tokenization of cards

    Additional methods allow the card to be linked (tokenized) directly from the store site (or from the application) without having to direct the user to the PayMaster website.

    Authorization request

    Request header:

      "alg": "RS256",
      "iat": 1347447988

    Request data:

      "response_type": "code",
      "client_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
      "card_number": "5470000000000000",
      "card_holder": "IVAN IVANOV",
      "card_expiry": "04/18",
      "card_cvv": "123"

    Response with token:


    Response with 3DS request:

      "confirmation": "3DSecure",
      "code": "Pbl8KuP8vg",
      "redirect_url": "",
      "pa_req": "bhzV****jzVL"

    Response with the amount confirmation request:

      "confirmation": "DebitAmount",
      "code": "Pbl8KuP8vg",

    POST /direct/authorize/card

    Creating a link by bank card. Depending on the settings, additional confirmation may be required: via 3DSecure authorization or confirmation of a random amount that is locked on the card account.

    Accordingly, the following response can be given to this request:

    1. Access token
    2. 3DSecure authorization settings
    3. Indication of confirmation by locking a random amount

    Request Parameters

    response_typeStringYesConstant. This parameter should always have the "code" value
    client_idStringYesSeller ID in PayMaster
    card_numberStringYesUser's card number
    card_holderStringYesCardholder's name
    card_expiryStringYesCard expiration date (MM/YY or YYYY-MM)
    card_cvvStringYesCard's CVV code
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    Reply parameters

    confirmationStringMethod of additional confirmation 3DSecure/DebitAmount
    codeStringA temporary token for identifying the current session
    redirect_urlStringACS page for processing the issuer
    pa_reqStringEncoded data from the 3DS request

    Confirmation of the amount charged

    Request header:

      "alg": "RS256",
      "IAT": 1438247717

    Request data:

      "response_type": "code",
      "client_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
      "code": "Pbl8KuP8vg",
      "amount": "83.98"



    POST /direct/authorize/confirm

    Request Parameters

    response_typeStringYesConstant. This parameter should always have the "code" value
    client_idStringYesSeller ID in PayMaster
    codeStringYesA temporary token assigned when authorization is requested amount String Yes Amount charged, two characters are allowed in the fractional part, the separator is a decimal point "."
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters

    3DSecure authorization

    For 3DSecure authorization, the user should be redirected to a special page of the card issuer with the address of redirect_url. The following parameters are transmitted in the request:

    The POST method is used to send the request.

    After authorization, the issuer will redirect the user to the Seller's page, as specified in TermUrl with the following fields:

    To complete the linking, the obtained PaRes authorization result should be transmitted by calling the linking completion method.

    Completion of the 3DSecure authorization

    Request header:

      "alg": "RS256",
      "IAT": 1438647742

    Request data:

    "response_type": "code",
    "client_id": "54bf4d42-b85c-48e2-8bda-ad0cf876f411",
    "code": "Pbl8KuP8vg",
    "pa_res": "eJzV****jX/L"



    POST /direct/authorize/complete3ds

    Request Parameters

    response_typeStringYesConstant. This parameter should always have the "code" value
    client_idStringYesSeller ID in PayMaster
    codeStringYesA temporary token assigned when authorization is requested
    pa_resStringYes3DSecure authorization result
    signStringYesRequest signature. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter
    typeStringNoProtocol Type. Determined by the seller. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameter. Valid values: jws, rest
    iatStringYesActual time when the request was sent. Transmitted either in the request header or in the parameters


    Error codes

    invalid_requestThere are no mandatory parameters in the request, or the parameter is a string of the wrong type
    verification_failureThe signature verification reqest failed or the "iat" parameter is out of the allowed time interval
    invalid_tokenaccess_token is invalid because it is not identical to the token provided, the token expired or was cancelled by the client
    token_lockedToken is locked out
    unknown_transaction_idCannot find the transaction by merchant_transaction_id or processor_transaction_id (if applicable)
    insufficient_fundsThe client does not have enough funds in the account to make a full payment
    payment_cancelledThe payment was cancelled by the payment cancellation request or by timeout
    payment_limit_exceededThe operation cannot be completed because the limit has been exceeded
    payment_count_exceededThe operation cannot be completed because the number of operations has been exceeded
    invalid_operationInvalid card transaction
    invalid_amountInvalid payment amount
    account_blockedCard blocked
    account_expiredCard expired
    invalid_accountIncorrect card number
    payment_system_rejectedRejected by payment system
    otherThis code can be used for any other errors not mentioned above

    Appendix A

    The example of the secret RSA key (used, for example, to sign a message in this document):

    -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- 
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    The example of the public RSA key (can be used to check the message signature in this document):

    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- 
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

    Appendix B

    Test activities before accepting final settings:

    1. Test the request using a token with the wrong code. Check the error message in the reply.
    2. Test the request using a token with the wrong client_id. Check the error message in the reply.
    3. Test the payment initialization request using an access token that is not identical to the one used on the authorization page.
    4. Test the payment initialization request using a particular merchant_transaction_id parameter. Make an other request using the same value for the merchant_transaction_id parameter and make sure that processor_transaction_id contains the same value as in the first request.
    5. Test the payment initialization request with a negative amount. Receive the error message.
    6. Test the payment processing request without the processor_transaction_id parameter. Make sure that the request is successful.
    7. Test the payment processing request with merchant_transaction_id and processor_transaction_id parameters that relate to different operations. Receive the error message.